"I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and I believe in miracles." --Audrey Hepburn

vendredi, février 01, 2008


For as long as I can remember, I have always loved curling up with a good book in a comfy armchair and spending hours enraptured by a moving plot and engaging characters. Of course, as a girl who is also obsessed with anything fashion and design related, this "hobby" logically led to an admiration for beautiful places devoted to reading. Case in point, I was amazed by the gorgeous library in the castle in Beauty and the Beast! Fast forward to today, and I think these two spaces represent a modern take on the traditional, dark wood library (complete with a ladder to reach the top shelves, of course).
Photos from dominomag.com

9 commentaires:

Lauren a dit…

yes! it does remind me of the library in the beauty and the beast! oh and the rose under the glass! what a great movie? i havent seen it in FOREVER!

Mónica a dit…

I hadn't watched that movie:(, but anyway, those two spaces are really lovely, I'd mix the first library with the second pic sofa.

Secretista a dit…

My post doesn't tell who the final three are...

Secretista a dit…

It's all good! I hope Christian is one of the finalists.

La Belette Rouge a dit…

Beautiful book cases! I wish I had enough book cases for all of my books. So many of them are relagated to boxes. Sad!

Fashion Tidbits a dit…

that bookcase is wonderful, hopefully my house will have that sort of installation for my books too...:)

Tessa a dit…

awesome... a must-have for my future house is a wall covered with books (and some good comfy nooks to snuggle up & read in).

PrincessPolly a dit…

I absolutely LOVE these - especially the second one.

Shopaholic D a dit…

wow - they look cluttery and chic at the same time...interesting! i wish i had one of those rooms!

:) D